Appropriation, regarding either video or photo, is something that really interested me. And in order to get a better understanding of it I went to the Hannah Hoch exhibition at The Whitechapel Gallery in London.
Reaching my expectation, her Dada period was the one I liked the most. I credited my interested on these works, also, to the fact that humour was used to manifest her critic point of view on women's liberation, society and polities, in post-World War I Germany. Additionally, they were visually pleasant to my eyes. Finally, I was able to understand the connotations applied to these works.
Another aspect that has drawn my attention is her ability to maintain harmony among colours and forms, regardless the numerous images present on a piece and even on her late works, which have a more surrealistic approach.
Judging by my first trials I reckon that the harmony, among the different elements, is my number one enemy. But, in my case I'm seriously considering to adopt the proverb and instead of fighting against it I might just
Ok now I see you started a new blog. I will delete the earlier one from our list and I will get back to you with further comments on this blog but I can see you have been very busy posting which is more in line with my expectation re your level of engagement.