Sunday, 16 February 2014

How I feel when...

I think about my idea for the time-art project


  1. I know that feeling all to well

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Don't be down, what can we do to make you happier?

  4. Thanks for cheering me up; but, to be honest, I'm depending on myself on this one. I'm ok with my idea of interpreting what I feel when the whistle is blew at a train station. I'm also pretty confident with the techniques I wanna use (collage and cutout animation). The problem is my lack of creativity on both aspects, what will be shown and how to make a clever usage of the 3 screens.

  5. Hey Simon, I've just seen your comment on my other post. I will reflect about what you've said there. Thanks!
