Wednesday, 19 November 2014

New Attempt

It's been a long time since my last post. I've got to admit that working on different projects at the same time has made the task of blogging harder and harder. But the main reason for me not blogging for a while is the fact that I haven't completely finish the second episode yet.
It's been hard to come up with a good script and a concept for this episode, in particular. But, for the next ones I will firstly develop both strong script and concept, only after that I will then capture material.

There are several things to be done on this episode, but happily I came up with a structure for it. There is a scene a that I will probably reshoot (myself playing video game), as I think my tone isn't the best on that shot. The voice over also concerns me, I've hired a voice actor but, I'm not completely happy with the final result as I think it lacks good acting.

The final part of the episode will show the 'deleted' scenes of a video that I didn't use.
For the following episode I feel that I need to produce a much stronger dialogue as well as good/relevant exterior scenes.

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