Monday, 15 December 2014

Assessment + Evaluation

This week I've presented my work to my peers and tutors for assessment. No evaluation would be complete without a feedback from them and this is why I'm writing it now; I must confess that both, their reactions and comments were overall positive.

From the very beginning their feed back have been extremely important for both technical and conceptual development. Moreover, during my working process their response was only possible because I had actually tried and produced material so they could comment on.

I've take my peer's feed back as well as my own analyses in order to evaluate my work. Firstly, when technically comparing the first video to the other two, the improvement is evident; especially on lighting ,audio and framing. However, there are some issues related to camera focus on the last two videos.
I've also noted that, the simple way in which I use text and still images layered on top of videos actually works well.

Secondly, the script on the first two videos are stronger the the last one and that has had an negative impact on the audience response. This is because, the two first videos have built hight expectation towards the last episode. That might be a problem of the 'not so cool' manner in which I have explored the topics approached on my last video. This is a problem that I have previously noted on three (1, 2, 3) of my trials. Making videos that explore historical facts have been a real challenge for me; that my be related to my poor language skills as well as the fact that I didn't master the subject. The truth is that, the videos which I explore my personal thought were much stronger.

Finally, before this project I've never though of producing (acting) material to a english audience. But I reckon that this series of videos have opened my eyes to a stile to be explored. If I actually decide to continue producing this kind of material there are some things to keep in mind. Keeping a natural acting in front of the camera is my first concern. Not to mention time management, which actually has been a problem on this particular project. Last but not least, I have to properly explore the ways to diffuse the material, using social network and building cooperative relationship with other vlogs/sites/blogs.

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