Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Fields & Frames #5

Tutorial with Owen Davey and Rosie Gunn - prep

Tutorial sessions have always had great importance in my projects. It's an opportunity to exchange ideas and receive professional feed back. I've been said, in my first year, that showing might be better than explaining. Therefore, for this tutorial, I decided to show some of my previous work; I've chosen fragments which I believe are strong and have relevance to my Fields&Frames project.

The three elements (location, music and behind scenes) stressed on this video are a constant in my work and I want to keep exploring them. Still regarding the video above, the scenes I wasn't on camera I was actually the cameraman and all of the sequences had been edited by me.

Furthermore, It is still not clear how I will put my final piece together. It's quite clear, on the other hand, what  my intention is: to explore new formats of online content. I believe, the way we watch TV is different from how we do  online. That might be, one of the reasons why videos produced for a online platform  are different from TV.

Online videos are relatively new, considering that major platform YouTube has only completed ten years last February. All the different content (makeup, news, geeky, diary, cookery, etc…)  explored on Vlogs are good example of formats that have been created for the Internet.

I've being built brainstorms in order to narrow down my ideas ….

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