Sunday, 6 April 2014

Experimental Sound Final Project

 This is my my finished project for Experimental Sound module. My interpretation and ideas about the piece of art Feeling Material XIV by Antony Gormley have been uploaded on previous post under the label 'experimental sound'.

The final audio of this project have been created using both sounds recorded by myself and from the BBC Sound Effects Library audio CD. In total there are four different audio files spliced on separated layers in which I've applied various effects such as: Parametric Equalizer, Full Reverb, Echo, Phaser and Hard Limiter.

I've felt confident when using Adobe Audition and I decided to learn it by myself, playing around with different settings and effects. For this project, such learning approach was fine but, on more complex projects, I believe, I will need to improve my skills. Normally, when working on other programmes from Adobe suite such as Premiere Pro and After Effects, I'm a very organised person. This is because, I've learned from the beginning, through video tutorials, how to do so. This project, on the other hand, have had a very disorganised 'Time Line' and this is something I pretend to improve by watching the whole Audition course on

Finally, I believe to have achieved a 65% of what I expected. Both the echo effect and the surround settings made the desired 'increasing cylindrical magnetic force', in my opinion, a success. I'm also happy(ish) with the 'particles' and 'sense of confusion' added on 0:34. However, I reckon this piece would be much stronger one if I would have added sounds to represent the human shape as well as the sounds of metal creaking and/or bending. To be honest, I have tried to recreate these sounds either using my records or found ones. I also tried to add effects on these records but, with no success.

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